insideKENT Magazine Issue 62 - May 2017 | Page 127

HEALTH+WELLNESS PUSH YOURSELF Overcoming Common Phobias MOST OF US HAVE AT LEAST ONE NIGGLING FEAR – UNEASE ABOUT GETTING STUCK IN LIFTS MAYBE, OR THE ABILITY TO WORK OURSELVES UP INTO A CLAMMY-PALMED SWEAT AT THE THOUGHT OF A DENTAL APPOINTMENT. THESE ARE MINOR, HOWEVER, WITH MOST OF US ABLE TO SHAKE THEM OFF. WHEN THESE FEARS DEVELOP AND START CAUSING US MAJOR ANXIETY, OFTEN INTERFERING WITH THE RUNNING OF OUR DAY-TO-DAY LIVES, THEY’RE DEEMED FULL-BLOWN PHOBIAS: AN INTENSE FEAR OF SOMETHING THAT, IN REALITY, POSES LITTLE OR NO ACTUAL DANGER. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT GENERALLY PHOBIAS CAN BE MANAGED, IF NOT CURED. WE’VE PULLED TOGETHER A LIST OF SOME OF THE MOST COMMON PHOBIAS AND A FEW TIPS ON HOW YOU CAN OVERCOME THEM. BY POLLY HUMPHRIS ARACHNOPHOBIA ACROPHOBIA Fear of spiders Fear of heights Affecting nearly one in every 20 adults, the term acrophobia is derived from the Greek words ‘acron’, meaning heights, and ‘phobos’, meaning fear. In general, it can affect your ability to make the most of the great outdoors – climbing, skiing, hill walking – and in extreme cases, people with a phobia of heights can be overcome with dizziness and panic at the slightest thought of being anywhere high, be that driving over a bridge, or ascending in a lift. Psychiatrists often blame rapidly accelerating and irrational negative thinking for acrophobia – “If I stand on the ledge, I’ll be tempted to jump or someone will push me over”, “I’m going to panic, have a heart attack and die” – these fears stem from the unconscious mind, whic