insideKENT Magazine Issue 46 - January 2016 | Page 20
Kent Artist Profile:
Artist Dan Lane, aka Mechanica, is all about the mechanics of things. How they
work, what they look like, what they make you feel. This, combined with elements
of nature and beautifully elegant sculptures from the past make for some unusual
and inspiring pieces.
Who creates your art – is it you or your alter
ego, Mechanica?
If I'm being honest it’s a bit of both. I wanted it
to be just Mechanica and be this aloof character
but I'm doing lots of shows around the country
and I'm really enjoying meeting all the people
that turn up. My work is so different to what
people have seen before it's actually really helpful
for me to answer questions and explain the work
to them… being aloof was never going to work!
What was it about machinery and mechanics
that made you want to create art out of it?
I've always had an interest in how things work
or how they’re made and before being a full-time
artist I was an engineer for 14 years, so I guess
I just find it a bit easier to create art in this medium.
What inspires your art?
The mechanical world is something that runs
through all my work; nature is a big influence and
I often create sculptures where the mechanical
world and nature coexist. I find it really interesting
to have something quite beautiful like
hummingbirds, butterflies, or flowers being placed
against quite dark yet elegantly beautiful
mechanical backdrops. I’m also inspired by
classical, Baroque sculptures that you would find
in churches, or around Rome etc. I often use this
style of sculpture in my work and find it interesting
to see something very classic in style against my
mechanical elements.
Do you have a favourite piece?
I have a lot of favourite pieces. If I had to pick
one though it would be a piece called "The
Creation of Man". It's my version of the famous
image on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
What is the most interesting and/or difficult
commission you’ve been asked to do?
I find something interesting and difficult in all my
sculptures. Because they are all so different it’s
a bit like learning how to do something new every
time I start a new piece. Part of the challenge is
figuring out how things should go together and
it’s never really the same each time.
How long does it take to create an ‘average’
(if there is such a thing!) sculpture?
An original work of mine can take anywhere from
three weeks for a small sculpture to over eight
weeks for a large piece. I usually work on a few
sculptures at the same time so if get stuck on
one piece I can work on another for a while.
Where can we see your work?
I have a good back catalogue of photos on my
Facebook page, just search Mechanica, or you
can visit my website. Or you can walk into any
Castle Fine Art gallery around the country.
What does the future hold?
In June of 2015 we had my big launch, and since
then I have been touring different galleries around
the country. Next YX\