insideKENT Magazine Issue 43 - October 2015 | Page 60
Fresh & Fruity
When October rolls around, it’s all too easy to forget about summer and dash straight for the trusty
‘winter warmer’ recipes in your cookbooks. Ask someone to slap your hand and tell you to put those
recipes away – at least for now – as there are still fresh, juicy raspberries ready for the pickin’, and ready
to make their way onto your dessert plates this season.
Lime Panna Cotta with Raspberry Compote (serves 2)
For the panna cotta
• 1 leaf of gelatine
• 150ml double cream
• 100ml milk
• 75g caster sugar
• Zest and juice of 1 lime
• 2 moulds for the panna cotta
1. Soak the gelatine in cold water so that it softens,
meanwhile place the cream, milk and sugar in a pan
and bring to the boil. Once boiling, take it off the heat.
Then add the lime juice and zest.
For the compote
• 1/2 a punnet raspberries
• 2 tbsp sugar
• 75ml apple juice tbsp
2. Remove the gelatine from the water and squeeze out
any excess water, then dissolve it in the hot cream.
Allow the cream to cool until just warm and then divide
the mixture between two moulds and place in the
fridge for 4 hours or until set firm.
3. To make the compote, place the raspberries, sugar
and apple juice in a pan and bring to the boil. Simmer
for 1 minute and then remove from the heat and allow
to cool. Store in the fridge until required.
4. To serve, unmold the panna cotta by dipping the mould
in hot water for a few seconds and then turn out onto
a plate, scatter around the raspberries with some of
the syrup and serve immediately.
The Kent Cookery School in Mersham le Hatch offers a wide range of cookery courses to suit everyone.
For more information and a full programme of events, head to