Please tell insideKENT a bit about KP GP ; what inspired you to set up the company ? KP GP was inspired by our own experiences . Very early on in my career , I realised that there are limitations to the care that can be provided in the NHS . This fed into a feeling of being unfulfilled , a lack of job satisfaction and being unable to practise preventative medicine which can directly reduce disease and health burden . My wife , who was a local radiographer , has extensive private healthcare experience in London and together we realised a private GP practice is a service the local community needs .
What services do you offer ? We offer GP appointments , prescriptions , travel forms , sick notes , referrals , blood tests and health screening packages .
Which is your most popular service and why do you think that is ? Our most popular service is the face-toface consultations as patients have the opportunity to build a rapport with their doctor . Additionally , the health screening packages are popular which are like a body ‘ MOT ’.
What differentiates KP GP Services from other similar companies ? Our approach extends beyond the traditional scope of medical services , focusing on educating and empowering patients to actively manage their wellbeing . Through face-to-face consultations , continuity of care and fostering trusted doctor-patient relationships , we aim to instil confidence and capability in individuals to make informed decisions about their health .
How would you describe your ethos ? Our ethos for KP GP is to empower individuals to take control of their health by encouraging and educating patients . In addition , we provide personalised , highquality healthcare services with a focus on patient-centred care , affordability , accessibility and convenience .
What are your top priorities regarding patient-practitioner relationships ? Building a strong foundation of trust , fostering open communication , respecting confidentiality , providing compassionate care and promoting shared decision making . As a patient , it is important to feel comfortable sharing your concerns and asking questions , while as a doctor it ’ s crucial to actively listen and provide personalised care .
What does the future hold for KP GP Services ? Looking ahead , KP GP Services is ramping up efforts to promote the importance of proactive health management within the community .
We aim to articulate the vision for a culture of health empowerment , where individuals are empowered to take charge of their own health , ultimately benefiting both individual wellbeing and the overall health of the community .
Anything else you ’ d like to add ? This proactive approach aligns with the broader ethos of healthcare professionals , emphasising the significance of patient engagement and empowerment in achieving better health outcomes . By fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for health , KP GP Services in Canterbury is not only delivering exceptional care , but also driving positive change within the healthcare landscape .
KP GP Services Lombard House 12 - 17 Upper Bridge Street Canterbury CT1 2NF
01227 678100 www . kpgpservices . com
144 • www . insidekent . co . uk