insideKENT Magazine Issue 144 - April 2024 | Page 144



Cross Builders renovate Victorian and older buildings ; they have over 36 years ’ experience in structural repairs . Using traditional techniques and conservation-approved materials to create an authentic period finish , they are an accredited STEM company - an award from Kent County Council given in recognition of a total commitment to improving the built environment using traditional materials .

What are sustainable methods in building renovation ? What do they aim to accomplish ? Cross Builders have worked on ‘ old , cold and hard-to-treat homes ’ across Kent and they embrace new sustainable building methods and practices that minimise waste and reduce negative environmental impacts . Since 2005 , the company has focused on using natural building materials such as Glapor insulation and natural lime that help reduce mould and condensation and allow the property to ‘ breathe ’ naturally .
The aims of sustainability are really to create a healthier and warmer indoor environment , even for older properties , with the sole purpose of reducing carbon emissions and lowering heating costs . Cross Builders achieved the Low Carbon Kent ‘ STEM ’ certification in 2014 and have since been proudly carrying the ‘ Blue Leaf ’ logo that was awarded to them .
Are there any drawbacks to sustainable building improvements ? Yes ! Although Cross Builders recognise that lime mortar is hugely beneficial to older properties and actually helps to ‘ capture ’ carbon , natural hydraulic lime putty is still
not widely available so it has to be ordered from specialist suppliers like Ty Maur or St Astier . The other drawback to using sustainable building improvements is that some great products such as Thermalineinsulated wallboard have risen in cost since 2019 and because of these increased prices , sustainable products are often outside the scope and budget of many people who really want to renovate their homes and make them futureproof .
Despite the challenges of rising building materials , Cross Builders have been awarded Best Builder in Kent – Renovations category in 2022 by BUILD UK . In 2023 , the company won the BUILD UK award again for Best Builder in Kent for Structural Repairs and in January 2024 another BUILD UK award .
Are building standards at large being adapted to become more sustainable ? Local councils and planning departments in Kent are now well versed in biodiversity and the need to improve and preserve the environment so builders and developers now have to ensure that thought is given to preserving the habitats of wildlife and endangered species , as well as strategies for eliminating the risk of flooding and the environmental impact of building works . Cross Builders have worked with visionary architects and forward-thinking building inspectors who want to reduce the use of plastics such as damp-proof membranes and move away from building products that contain harmful pollutants such as solventbased resins or formaldehyde so renovated homes are not just sustainable and more efficient but they are healthier places to live , especially for homeowners who suffer from respiratory problems such as COP .
How does this change the way you work day to day ? The changes that Cross Builders have made over the past 30 years involve being more open-minded to new ideas and technologies , understanding the importance of attending training courses run in association with the Townscape Heritage Initiative and the Creative Foundation , and really listening to local experts such as Andy Benzies from Harwoods . Sustainability is also about looking at new challenges and responding with sustainable solutions .
What are your plans for the future ? We are currently designing a building that will have walls made from hemp chippings and natural lime . No concrete and zero cement . The hemp chippings are lightweight and can be transported to site without using heavy lorries . No aggregates will be used either so there will be no need to excavate gravel or ballast from quarries so the new building will have a significantly lower carbon footprint .
Hemp chippings are resistant to bugs and although lightweight , when mixed with natural hydraulic lime , the finished wall is remarkably thermally efficient with no need for manufactured polyethylene foam insulation . The house will be breathable and thermally efficient . Cross Builders are planning to install Planitherm glass to the windows to naturally retain warmth even in freezing temperatures .
www . cross-builders . co . uk
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