insideKENT Magazine Issue 144 - April 2024 | Page 124

poverty , financial pressure and poor health , all exacerbated by cuts to benefits and social support services , so it ’ s important to acknowledge that much of the solution lies in structural societal change . Additionally , women still shoulder much of the burden , often working full-time while also caring for young children and elderly parents , so it ’ s unfair to place ultimate responsibility for staying healthy on the individual and anyone feeling overwhelmed should draw on as many resources as they possibly can . Social change – notably with regard to welfare reform , more protective labour laws and adequate support for caregivers - is painfully slow , so give yourself a break if you ’ re struggling , and if you ’ re not struggling , channel the compassion you have for those that are into action .
Find what works for you One person ’ s strategy won ’ t necessarily work for another – genetics inform our stress response , as does environment , our past and present experiences , and our social and economic situations , so it ’ s essential to find out what works for you . Analyse your personal stressors to try and work out what your triggers are and what makes you feel better – a walk , sleep , chat , solitude or a workout , perhaps ? You may surprise yourself with how much you ’ re coping with . The NHS ‘ every mind matters ’ online tool generates a personalised action plan for improving and maintaining mental health and is well worth five minutes of your time : www . nhs . uk / every-mind-matters . That said , the basics are basics for a reason and shouldn ’ t be underestimated – stress is partly physiological , so movement , nutrition , sleep and breathing exercises are all important and establishing a manageable daily routine adds a welcome sense of control .

“ It ’ s not stress that kills us ; it is our reaction to it .”

Lean on the people around you Asking for help can be hard , especially when you assume everyone else is drowning in a sea of overwhelm , but stress can be moderated by supportive relationships , and , unlike our biological responses to stress which can be unsettling , the availability of those relationships is something we can control . Small steps such as talking through how you feel with a trusted friend , asking a fellow parent to help with the school run , or saying yes to a family member who offers to pick up some shopping all add up to a less distressing bigger picture . If there ’ s something major going on – loss , addiction , ill health , financial worry , parental pressure – don ’ t overlook the importance of support groups and forums as connecting with people who are facing similar challenges and feeling that they understand and care activates the brain ’ s ‘ soothing system ’, lessening the threat and loneliness .
Allow the emotions , but prevent the loss of control Feelings of frustration are understandable – making a mistake at work , for example , or handling a discussion with a disgruntled teen less than calmly are both pretty common stressors , but although we know rationally that occasional human error is normal and that family life can get on top from time to time , when overall ( or underlying ) stress collides with this , it can escalate . Quickly . The usual suspects here – stress ’ s three biggest hitters – are anxiety , anger and grief ; all very emotive , yet all equally essential to be kept in check with positive coping mechanisms . Making time for fun ; celebrating the small wins ; putting things into perspective ; connecting with friends ; being kind and compassionate towards yourself ; and writing down how you feel and what positive steps you ’ re going to put in place to work through those feelings are all simple strategies that will add up to higher levels of healthy mental wellbeing and a much lower chance of burnout .


Just as our ideas on what causes stress and the advice on how to manage it have evolved in line with modern life , as have today ’ s supplements . From the rudimentary herbal preparations of ancient civilisations to the high-tech , scientifically formulated products available today , dietary supplements have , thankfully , come a long way .
Not least , JOLT , a brand-new , superconvenient unisex nutricosmetic formula that acts to supplement your health by providing key elements that are not often consumed in the average diet . The lifestyle we lead now sets the stepping stones towards our future longevity and JOLT , the ultimate age blocker , contains seven key ingredients – NMN , trans-resveratrol , fisetin , R-Lipoic acid , curcumin , Skinax2 and ceramosides - that optimise your health span , keeping you feeling and being younger for longer .
“ My product has seven key , scientifically proven compounds that are to be taken each day to slow the ageing process on a cellular level , subsequently lengthening and improving quality of life ,” says JOLT co-founder , Lindsey Kane . “ Though I make no claims that JOLT is a specific ‘ stressbuster ’, it helps you look after your health span , improving aspects of ageing that will make life more stressful if left to worsen such as energy levels , dead zombie cells in the body , reduction of libido and aching joints . What we ’ ve proven in our clinical trials is that men and women have a certain amount of testosterone in their body called ‘ free testosterone ’, which we need for mood , libido , skin , hair , and so many more things , particularly pre- and
JOLT co-founders , Lindsey & Russell Kane
post-menopause , and also decides how quickly we recover from illness and injury . By naturally improving the body ’ s ability to tap into more of its own testosterone stores , JOLT has the potential to be life-enhancing , helping to improve all manner of important health-span supporters including strength , bone density , sex drive , energy and sleep .”
For more information on JOLT , what ’ s in it and how it works , head to www . joltmyworld . com .
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