insideKENT Magazine Issue 121 - May 2022 | Page 57

To book your place visit newbeacon . org . uk

Helping Young People Navigate the 21st Century

A New Beacon Conference Thursday 5 and Friday 6 May 2022

Navigating a rapidly changing world , maintaining good mental and physical health , dealing with social media and peer group pressures are just some of the challenges our children face . Join some of the leading experts to discover , discuss and explore how we can help young people to navigate the 21st century .
Thursday 5 May
Day course : ‘ Drawing and Talking ’ – a child-centred therapy focusing on prevention , early intervention and recovery from mental health issues .
Day course : Mental Health First Aid – simple steps to looking after mental health .
Evening talk : Dick Moore , a global speaker , explores young people ’ s mental health and wellbeing ( in conjunction with and in aid of the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust ).
Friday 6 May
One day conference featuring leading experts on child and adolescent mental health .
Keynote speaker : Dr . Pooky Knightsmith , an internationally respected speaker , lecturer , trainer and author .
Plus a range of mental health specialists .
To book your place visit newbeacon . org . uk