Spread across some 300 acres of typical Wealden farmland , Andrew Clarke , along with son William , are committed to farming as much as possible in a way that supports and enhances their surrounding countryside , whilst producing fully traceable , quality beef and lamb .
The low intensity pasture farm rears cattle and sheep that move straight from field to its discerning butchery outlet . Attention to detail and quality is at the centre of Park Farm ’ s ethos to produce and sell the very best .
On the Farm
Park Farm rear Sussex cattle and Romney sheep that are indigenous to the area , on traditional pastures . Their methods are environmentally-sensitive , with low food miles , and they are committed to working in harmony with the countryside .
Their aim ? To create the best flavours from the diverse grasses available to them , whilst rearing stock that thrives within the environment that it lives .
Sussex Beef
It is believed that the Sussex breed have descended from red cattle that roamed the Wealden Forest in the time of the Norman Conquests . It is therefore no surprise that they flourish so well on their Kentish Pastures , although they do love to browse the hedgerows and trees amongst the farm ’ s diverse landscape .
They are great forage converters , and the cows happily graze on the extensive grasslands , whilst the growing and finishing cattle thrive on the rich water meadows to create the very best flavoured beef .
Romney Sheep
Being native to the area , the Romney ewe is the perfect sheep for Park Farm ’ s type of farming . They are excellent forage converters , readily turning traditional grasses into tasty lamb . They are also hardy and versatile , with strong mothering instincts , happily lambing outdoors . The flavour of the grass-fed Romney lamb is hard to beat , and can be available all year round .
Free-range Natural Pork
Whilst not reared at the farm , a chance encounter with Caroline from Holley Farm , whilst cooking a hog roast for a customer ’ s family event in Hawkhurst no less , was enough to convince Park Farm Butchers of the quality of her pork and commitment to pig farming . With an obvious passion for free-range pork , the quality Caroline produces from native breed pigs is fantastic ; they are all very content , fed on locally grown corn mix , and are full of flavour .
The Working Environment
Park Farm Butchers have been involved in countryside stewardship for the last 20 years , enhancing their hedgerows and pastures . Some of the ground is specifically managed to create wildflower meadows , using a mixture of cutting for hay and grazing livestock to achieve this . The results have been quite astonishing , and the diversity of wildlife , birdlife and insects that have benefited from this is inspiring .
The other parts of the farm are managed to create rich meadows to finish stock and create flavoursome meat . The idea is to farm “ in harmony with the countryside .” Hedgerows and shaws are managed to create wildlife corridors and habitats .
The Butchery : Modern in its Provision , Traditional in its Values
Park Farm Butchers are proud of their discerning butchery offering . The very best service is assured , whether it be whilst shopping in store , or having a delivery to your door using their easy to navigate online services .
The skill of their butchers assures the very best cuts are created , whilst using whole carcasses means that everything is available and food wastage is minimised .
All of Park Farm ’ s sausages and burgers are homemade , with numerous tasty varieties available , including gluten-free . Whilst their bacon is dry-cured on the premises from free-range pork .
Aside from the care and attention paid to the quality farming process , Park Farm is committed to being as sustainable as possible . All packaging is eco-friendly and there is no plastic to be found , whether shopping in store or using their online shop , where your meat , dairy , eggs , fruits , vegetables , deli and larder items will be packed to order and delivered next day , direct to your doorstep .
www . parkfarmbutchers . co . uk
parkfarmhawkhurst parkfarmbutchers