We are a local business , supporting local farmers , serving local people . We provide next day delivery , for free , safely delivered to your door by our friendly team .
“ This is the highlight of our week ! Such amazing quality , always so fresh , and means I don ’ t have to battle a busy shop over the weekend or worry about the kids reaching for unhealthy snacks !!”
Foodari is built on the simple foundation of sourcing produce from local and British growers wherever possible . We survey our customers to ensure our whole service and offer is shaped by feedback from local people . This means we keep fruit and veg at the heart of what we do , and also offer the Kent Store Cupboard , Cook ’ s
Favourites and a range of feature boxes for interest and inspiration . Plus gorgeous and ever-changing seasonal add-ons , and beer , wine and cider – also from Kent of course !
“ Thank you so much for a magnificent delivery of fruit and veg this morning ! Amazingly fresh and varied . Thanks again !”
Visit our new website and explore our latest Autumn and Christmas ranges . And if you ’ re keen to stay out of the shops , there ’ s never been a better time fall in love with Foodari !
Visit www . foodarihomedelivery . com now and save 15 % off your order with us . Just enter the code INSIDEKENT15 at checkout .
116 sales @ foodari . com | 01233 721 628 Foodari Limited , Howletts Farm , Knockwood Lane , Molash , Canterbury , Kent , CT4 8HW