insideKENT Magazine Issue 82 - January 2019 | Page 92

NEWYEAR SMALL CHANGES BIG DIFFERENCE CONT. can’t make it; Do you want to watch that new TV show on tonight? No, I’m just too tired. Set yourself the challenge to say ‘yes’ to one thing you’d usually have turned down and enjoy the laughs with your family, the social evening out with a new friend, some quality time with your partner and enjoy living again. Go digital free Yes, we live in a fantastic digital age; our children know how to work things that didn’t even exist when we were their age, our phones are our most prized possession and someone called Alexa turns off your lights when you are too lazy to get up and do it yourself – amazing! BUT… sometimes it’s important to give yourself a break, reconnect with people in person (not through a screen), and do things that don’t require wifi. So set yourself a wifi-free time of the week; a dedicated couple of hours at a set time where there will be no laptops, no phones, no on-demand and instead some quality time reading, talking, playing games or going out. We’re not saying it will be easy (for you as well as the kids!) but trust us; unshackling the social media chains and faces glued to screens will open up a whole new world of communication and a lot less stress. Stop comparing yourself to others It’s a difficult side of human nature – constantly comparing yourself and your family to others. She earns more than me, their job is so much more flexible than mine, that child always achieves higher in their exams, their house is so much bigger. Comparisons, especially rose-tinted ones, are a pointless exercise; stop over-analysing aspects of your life, comparing yourself to others and instead focus on the good parts of your world: I work in a job I enjoy, my child is happy and progressing at school, my home is happy and welcoming. You’ll be able to be more objective about your own successes and happier as a result. Do something new every week It’s all too easy to be creatures of habit, but as they say, variety is the spice of life, so one way to keep your home life engaging is to try new things, every single week. It can be as simple as trying out a new recipe for dinner or watching a documentary, to learning a new language or visiting a different country – the world is your oyster! Look for local clubs, activities or events; follow community forums for ideas; and of course you’ll have your monthly issue of insideKENT for inspiration. 92 HEALTH We can be vegan, just for one day A full-on commitment to Veganuary, a total lifestyle change, can be too daunting a prospect. Instead, aim for a vegan day a month and build up to a day a week. Be inspired by Instagram accounts, online recipes and surprise yourself with vegan alternatives; not only will it do wonders for the planet, but for your health too.