insideKENT Magazine Issue 89 - August 2019 | Page 39

TOWNSPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT ON SANDWICH SANDWICH IS AN IDYLLIC TOWN ON THE MAGNIFICENT KENT COAST THAT HARKS BACK TO TRADITIONAL WAYS AND TIMES, AND YET HAS A DISTINCT AURA OF MODERN ABOUT IT; IT MAY BE SMALL, BUT IT HAS A HUGE AMOUNT OF VARIETY PACKED INTO IT. A HAVEN FOR BIRD WATCHERS, A MAGNET FOR HISTORIANS AND DEFINITELY A DRAW FOR FAMILIES, SANDWICH IS MUCH BIGGER THAN IT SEEMS AT FIRST BITE. History in Brief There has al ways been some sort of settlement, village or town in the environs of Sandwich – it’s in an important place; being located where it is on the coast, it allo wed f or in vading f orces to find an opportune place to land. That’s why it was always well fortified too; those invading forces were usually defeated, especially when Henry VIII created his ‘Cinque Ports’, of which Sandwich is one. Henry VIII wasn’t the first king to realise just how important Sandwich was. This is where Richard the Lionheart landed when he returned from the Third Crusade in 1194. The same landing place was chosen by Prince Louis of France in 1216 when he came to do ba ttle with King J ohn and the ensuing fight became known as the Ba ttle of Sandwich, which took place in 1217. In fact, anyone coming to Britain seemed keen on Sandwich. By the 16th century, it was regarded as the only place in the w hole of England that had more immig rants than Eng lishmen and w omen, which was a g reat thing f or the econom y. These newcomers brought with them exciting new food, drinks and other products that simply couldn’t be bought anywhere else. Today Sandwich is just as exciting, just as beautiful, and just as highly r egarded. It is still w here many visitors c hoose to go to and rightly so – it has everything that might be ma tter how long you intend on staying. 39