insideKENT Magazine Issue 70 - January 2018 | Page 86

NEWYEAR GET YOUR LIFE back in balance cont. Family/Relationships Ensuring that you dedicate as much time to your important relationships as you do to your job is a slow and steady transition that won’t be achieved overnight. It will make all the difference eventually though. A good starting point is to make a note of important dates – birthdays, anniversaries etc – and actually do something to mark them; even an e-card is better than no card at all. Make sure you transfer them at the end of the year when you get a new calendar or diary too. Make sure that your loved ones know where your priorities lie and do everything you can to let them see that they are your first choice. Be specific here too – it’s better all round to state that you’re going to spend an hour alone with each of your children at least once a week than to say that you’re 86 going to try and spend more quality time with each of them. Quality time is a brilliant concept, but it’s also a vague one, so unless you’re clear, it’s hard to quantify whether or not you’ve accomplished that goal. Children are so wonderfully perceptive and know instantly if your mind starts to wander, so it’s important to show them that they are deserving of your undivided attention. Communication with your partner is absolutely key to keeping your relationship on a positive track and if something’s not making you happy, you should chat about it. Sharing a life (and your personal space) with another person is an incredible balancing act in itself that involves not only individual strength, but interactive support, so if you're bearing all the weight, you won’t find harmony. Equally important, when someone is making you happy, tell them – it doesn’t matter if your other half always does the same chores; if you take a minute to appreciate that they’ve done them, a little appreciation will make a huge difference to how they feel.