Kevin Hart Becomes Honorary Member of “Ocean of
Soul” Band at Texas Southern University in Houston
For Texas Southern University’s famed Ocean of Soul
Marching Band, the year ended pretty much the same way it
began – with a big band Bang! The famed band was on hand to
play for the premiere opening of popular entertainer/comedian
Kevin Hart at his movie opening at the Edwards IMAX in
Houston, Texas. Band Director Richard Lee made it official –
Kevin Hart is now an official member of the famed and popular
Texas Southern University Marching Band, “the Ocean of Soul.”
Making Hart an honorary member is the university’s way of
thanking Hart publicly for his support of the band’s trip to the
Pro Football Hall of Fame for the enshrinement of alumnus
Michael Strahan during the summer. Hart donated $50,000 in
support of the student musicians.
The Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity, Inc. – Tau Epsilon
Chapter at Texas Southern
University, heeded the call
to leave a legacy by creating
an endowed scholarship at
the university. Their single
gift of $10,000 will be
matched by the university
for a final value of $20,000.
Funding will be used to
establish a scholarship
program that will strengthen
the academic environment
at the institution, improve
the institution’s image and
attract academically prepared
students for years to come.
Whether your gift to
establish an endowment is
a single gift or a pledged
gift over a period of 4-years,
you too can leave a legacy
as so many other individuals
and organizations are doing.
Remember, your gift will
allow many students, who
otherwise may not have the
opportunity, to fulfill their
academic dreams!
The 2014 Faculty & Staff Annual Fund Campaign
exceeds its $200,000 goal!
LaRence Snowden, chair of the 2014 Faculty & Staff steering committee, accompanied by TSU
mascots, presented a check to Wendy Adair, vice president for University Advancement.
Elwaine K. Johnson recently
donated $10,000 to Texas
Southern University for
purposes of establishing an
endowment for the Elwaine K.
Johnson scholarship fund. The
donation was discussed during
the 2014 Texas Southern
University National Alumni
Association Convention in
Dallas, Texas. The University
matches new scholarship
endowments one-to-one
so Johnson’s donation will
increase to $20,000.
Texas Southern University
has so much to be thankful
for this year! We’ve seen
an increase in our alumni,
friends, faculty and staff
giving. We’ve also seen
generous celebrity gifts
from people like Kevin
Hart and Michael Strahan!
We are so thankful for
supporters like you who
are genuinely interested in
the success of our students.
With your help we are able
to expand beyond the bare
essentials and build a great
educational experience for
our students.
Why is making an annual
gift so important? It is so
Texas Southern University
can maintain a consistent
level of excellence for
generations to come.
Making a gift to TSU
is simple and secure! For
online donations, please
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