Dear President Rudley,
hope my letter finds you well. I am
writing for a number of reasons. As
you know, I am a recent graduate of
Texas Southern University. While
I am still rejoicing in the milestone of
graduating, I am also taking the time to
reflect on my collegiate years. I have a few
thoughts I would like to share about my
When I first transferred from Baylor as
a pre-med student, I always received the
question “why”? I was asked by both TSU
affiliates and non TSU affiliates. Initially,
my response would always be for financial
reasons, which was true due to my lack
of enough financial aid to fund my Baylor
education. For my entire first year that
remained my response, as l focused
only on my grades as a business student
determined to prove everyone wrong who
insisted I should have stayed at Baylor.
However, I realized I was being asked
“why TSU” so many times that I seriously
started questioning myself. From time
to time, especially during trips back to
Baylor to visit friends, I would wonder
if I made the right decision to leave
what I had believed to be my dream
My vision coming into TSU was
clouded by so many negative opinions
and falsified narratives, it took some
extensive time for me to actually
open up and fall in love with my
university. Today I wonder what
all I could have accomplished and
experienced if I had started at TSU
my freshman year with the pride
and school spirit that I have
now. I may not have realized
it before, but Texas Southern
University has always been
my home. From the moment
I became registered as
a TSU Tiger to the
moment you embraced
me as I crossed the
stage to receive my
diploma. To hear you
tell me “I am so proud
of you, I need a hug!”
made all the difference
in the world. It is common
to hear that at an HBCU, a student is
more than just a number but, I know
at TSU I am actually valued for my worth.
Here’s why:
I read over my resume often, but it
is usually