Inside Tempted The Face of Tempted special edition | Page 82

3. Face Serum – 19.95

I was really excited to try the Face Serum as my skin was feeling quite dry and tired, I suppose through a combination of factors; the change in weather, late nights and perhaps not looking after my skin quite as I should!

I was really surprised at the Serum as I have never used anything so oil like on my skin and I was a bit worried because my skin can have a tendency to be a touch oily from time to time. I applied a few drops to my finger tips and massaged onto my face and neck in a circular motion. At first I was concerned that this would never dry into my skin but immediately I did notice that my skin seemed to be sucking in all the moisture, when I woke the next morning I couldn’t believe the difference, the glow I search for.... it had suddenly arrived on my face! I washed my face and it was still glowing and super soft. This was the product I was most worried about trying but once the bottle is gone I have to get another! I have recommended it to friends with dry skin so I will be interested to see their results.