Inside Tempted The Face of Tempted special edition | Page 6

Hello everyone and welcome to another issue of 'Inside Tempted'

This issue is all about an event that's very close to my heart, The Face of Tempted. Little did we know when we conceived it 3 years ago that it would grow to such a positive and empowering event for everyone involved.

The number of entries this year literally blew us away, and we feel so honoured that so many gorgeous women put themselves out there and showed the world that they are proud of their curves. Narrowing it down to just 15 was such a difficult decision and I really wish that we could meet evey entrant as I'm really humbled by their involvement.

Now that we're only days away we can't wait to meet the 15 Finalists this Sunday and work with them and a fantastic team to put on what we hope will be an amzing show for all our guests. It's also a very important event for us as absolutely everything raised goes to Charity, 50% to St Francis Hospice Raheny and the other 50% to the winners chosen charity.