Inside Tempted The Face of Tempted special edition | Page 37

Teresa’s mum died when she was six and her dad had to take on the difficult role of being a Mam and Dad to five children. It was a very tough but has made them a strong family who are there for each other through thick and thin. Teresa has always been an out-going person and has never let her weight be a problem for her.

The reason she entered the competition was firstly because she is a big fan of Tempted’s clothes and because she is always telling people to dress-up and go for it, she also wanted to inspire her daughter and make her proud.

The Charity Teresa is supporting:

Teresa’s chosen charity is Pieta House

Why is Pieta House so important to Teresa:

Pieta work with people who are at risk of suicide or dealing with related issues and it is a subject that has touched Teresa's life.