The easy way!
Old furniture can be easily transformed with our amazing
Autentico paint. If you don’t have an old piece lying around at
home, check out furniture auctions, charity shops and car
boot sales.
Tools: You will need the following items...
1. An damp cloth. 2. 1 Litre tin of Autentico chalk paint,
available from Groves Interiors £18.95. 3. Autentico clear
wax £8.00. 4. A paintbrush - we like 2” for good coverage 5.
An old knife to open the tin. 6. Sand paper. 7. An old sheet to
protect your surfaces from paint. 8. A dry, old rag/piece of
cloth to apply the wax.
Step 1: Give the furniture a quick wipe over. When using
Autentico paint, this is the only prep work that you will need
to do.
Step 2: Using the larger paint brush, get to work covering
the furniture with long brush strokes of the paint. Try to get
an even coverage and brush away any excess drips that form.
Leave the paint to dry, and then give it a second coat of paint.