Inside Stock Car World Magazine UK Stock car magazine including vintage. | Page 14
Rob Harrad #258
If you've got this magazine
expecting to read all about the
top trophy winners in the Stock
Car world, this isn’t the section
you’ll find them. Here we want
to show you it's about the
characters and innovators and it's
about those who love their sports
and stick it out no matter what.
You might think they're a little
crazy and you might be right, but
you don't just give up on the
football team you've supported
with your dad since you were
knee high to a grasshopper.
At 53, Rob is obviously not the
youngest on the track but says
"There's life in the old dog yet. "
Leaving school at 16, Rob
started as an apprentice and
continued his career as a
maintenance fitter for the NHS.
Born in Coventry, Rob has
enjoyed the world of Stock Cars
since his dad gave him a flavour
of it while still at junior school and
after being part of the action for
almost a quarter of a century,
Rob tells us why after 50 years,
he still loves the sport...
"I guess I was about eight when
my Dad took me to his signwriting workshop to see Jim
Potters (SNR) Valvetex special
stock car. To be honest, I was
more interested in playing footy
back then. A few years later, in
1971, I specifically remember a
sign appearing outside our home
saying "Stock Car Championship
of the World" this Saturday at
That was it - the bug bit and since
the age of 11, all I ever wanted to
be was a stock car driver.
14 0844 840 8104
So impressed watching my first
World Final, I became an instant
Doug Cronshaw(#396) fan
and have been ever since.
My first go at racing was slot-stox,
which is a model stock car raced
on a sort of scalextric tack. I
joined my local club and of
course, wanted Doug's number
which was already gone.
Back then, Pete Guinchard (#258)