Inside March 2014 | Page 2

March 2014

Mashramani 2014 Results

It was a glorious morning, on February 23, for those who witnessed the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead at Parliament Building in commemoration of Guyana achieving its 44th year of being a Republic. It was on 23 February 1970 that Guyana officially became a Republic..

Golden Arrowhead hoisted for 44 time as Guyana celebrates another Republic anniversary

Professor Clem Seecharan presents revealing lecture

On February 20th, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport held another edition of its much anticipated Republic of Guyana Lecture Series at the Umana Yana where literary enthusiasts turned out to hear the words of Guyanese intellectual, Professor Clem Seecharan.

David Redden, director of special projects and chairman of Sotheby’s books, said the stamp “was a magical object” and the definition of “unobtainable rarity and extraordinary value.”

Colonial Guyana stamp to auction for US$10-20 million

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