Tatyana Jordan travel essentials\r\n\r\nTravel essentials with\r\nTatyana Jordan\r\n\r\nPlanning a trip is so exciting and getting\r\neverything ready couldn’t be more fun,\r\nbut sometimes we tend to concentrate\r\non the little things and become very\r\nstressed. Why, you may wonder? We\r\nunderestimate the power of making a\r\nlist! Have you asked yourself the three\r\nmost important questions when you\r\npack? What do I really need? What’s the\r\nweather going to be like? Do I need\r\nfifteen outfits for a three night trip?\r\nThere are also the “less” important but\r\nlife dependent things that don’t even\r\ncross our minds until we are in an\r\nemergency situation, for example did\r\nyou know there is a herbal based pill that\r\n\r\ncan prevent you from hangover the\r\nfollowing day? I didn’t until I was it that\r\nsituation, read my medical essentials to\r\nbe hangover free. It’s also important to\r\nplan things in stages, starting with the\r\nthings you need the most.