Inside Himalayas Community Tourism Issue 8 2024 | Page 98

Visitors experiment with traditional Nepali instruments . Photo by RMT .
The Unequal Load on Women
As with housework in general , women take on an unequal load of the chores related to running CBT initiatives , be it homestays or otherwise . This requires a cultural shift within the household such that other family members , including men , support and share responsibility for managing the day-to-day tasks that go into running a successful CBT initiative . CHN attempts to do this by providing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion training to community members .
At the same time , women running CBT initiatives has also meant social and economic empowerment for them , providing them with an additional source of income , a space to nurture their leadership abilities and interact with travelers from around the world .
Sustaining an Impact- Driven Business Model
Organizations like CHN that follow an impact-driven business model seek to reimagine tourism as a tool to empower local communities and facilitate deeper connections between travelers and locals . The community-led tourism model helps community members diversify their sources of income , preserve local heritage and culture , and gives travelers the opportunity to access unique experiences that foster adventure and exploration .
CBT initiatives have tremendous potential to tap into the mainstream tourism market by offering more sustainable , innovative , and immersive travel experiences that drive socioeconomic progress of local communities – making it a win-win situation for all involved .



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