Inside Himalayas Community Tourism Issue 8 2024 | Page 116

Locals patrolling against illegal activities . Photo by RMT . Accomodation in the lodge . Photo by RMT . A red panda looks down from a tree branch . Photo by RMT .
Red Panda Network
RPN is a non-profit organization whose efforts are directed towards the conservation of the fabled red panda . Native to Nepal , among other areas , the red panda has greatly suffered from loss of habitat in the last decade . RPN is partnered with a local environmental NGO in 13 districts in Nepal , and through this network , we provide funding , training to become forest guardians . We rely on the involvement of local communities to run our programs including research and monitoring , anti-poaching guardianship , habitat protection and restoration , among other activities . A project we are particularly proud of involves habitat restoration in Ilam . Here , we purchased land that is in a key location for the wellbeing of red pandas and we donated it to the government of Nepal . We can clearly see that the population of red pandas has returned to this area after having been absent due to habitat destruction .
Tharu Community Lodge
Tharu Community Lodge is situated near Chitwan National Park . With the goal of promoting the local economy in a direct way , we predominantly employ people from the indigenous Tharu community . By giving a priority to people who are well versed in the arts of hospitality , the result is that much of the staff is composed of Tharu women , who , having years of domestic labor under their belt , are some of the most qualified people to welcome guest and make sure that their stay is wholesome . Similarly , the decisions taken by us are backed by the desire to be self-sufficient and environmentally conscious . As many activities we run are wildlife and nature based , we have a special interest in promoting a way of life that does not hinder the paths of nature .
Community Based Anti Poaching Unit ( CBAPU )
The illegal poaching of animals has been a long standing issue of the wildlife of Nepal . CBAPU is a government initiated anti-poaching measure that operates in Nepal ’ s national parks and reserves . These are areas that are still populated with indigenous communities . These communities have a close connection to the natural environment of their home , and their livelihoods greatly depend on the wellbeing of these areas . We involve local people in patrolling against illegal activities and raising awareness on the topics of conservation , as many middlemen hire poverty stricken individuals to conduct poaching activities . Success has been seen in chasing away poacher groups , removing tiger traps and seizing hunting weapons . 2014 serves as a model year as there was zero poaching of high value wildlife such as rhinos , tigers and elephants . We are on the right path , however , the task that is being undertaken is massive , and major support from interested governmental and non-governmental parties is necessary to move forward . www . insidehimalayas . com by Royal Mountain Travel