Inside Golf, Australia. June 2014 | Page 56

instruction Wrists and putting do not go hand in hand Glenn Whittle [email protected] (02) 9541 4960 A re you the type of golfer who really struggles controlling the distance of your putts? In this issue we are going to show you a simple drill that you can do either at home, the office or on the putting green at your golf course which will improve your ability to control the speed of your putts and in return reduce the number of three putts or improve your chances of making more putts.  Next time you’ve got a spare five minutes before a round, hit three or four putts excessively using your wrists in both the back swing and follow through and notice how difficult it is to consistently hit the putts the same distance one after the other. Now I want you to place a spare golf ball between the butt of the putter grip and your right forearm (for a right-hander) as shown in the picture. This will ensure that your shoulders and chest move the putter and your hands move minimally. Whenever I use this drill at The Sydney putting Studio I watch to see how many times the golfer putts before the ball falls onto the green. I am often asked “but why did players like Arnold Palmer putt so well?” The answer is i