Inside Golf, Australia. July 2014 | Page 30

clubs Spotlight on Ashgrove volunteers David Newbery Col the age breaker [email protected] E VERY Wednesday morning, a 30-strong band of faithful Ashgrove Golf Club members turn up to do voluntary work around their beloved golf course. For all of them, it’s a labour of love. Some volunteers are rookies while others like 84-year-old Col Welch have been chipping in for decades. STALWART: Age doesn’t stop Col Welch from chipping in on the course. “I have been volunteering at the club for 35 years – ever since I joined as a member,” Col said. “I have only missed three working bees in 35 years.” HE’S 84 years old, but Col Welch is showing no signs of slowing down. The club’s operations manager Michael Ronan said the volunteers were involved in a range of activities including major works. DIG IN: A group of Ashgrove Golf Club members at work on the club’s beautification program. “One day they will be working on irrigation and other days it’s mowing, brush-cutting or laying new turf,” he said. There’s great camaraderie among the volunteers, who come from all walks of life. “They do a lot of the project work like cart paths and things like that. In fact, we have volunteers right across the whole operation, including behind the bar. “The amount of work they do around the place is unbelievable. It’s in excess of 900 hours a month. “We are very lucky we have such generous members. Through our volunteers, we were able to get superintendent Darren Allan a Bayer environmental award.” Recently Inside Golf caught up with the loyal, cheery band of volunteers as they worked on course presentation by laying new turf and spreading bark as part of the club’s beautification program. The adage “many hands make light work” certainly applied here. There are air traffic controllers, lawyers, engineers, stockbrokers, company directors, carpenters, a former school principal, a builder, a truckie and a chef to name a few. They might come from varying backgrounds, but they have one thing in common – golf. “We do it to make the golf course better for everyone,