Inside Golf, Australia. August 2014 | Page 50

on tour Tour Talk With Steven Jeffress The ‘Moose’ is loose in Japan S ome people think travelling is fun. Ultimately I don’t mind it, but like everything, too much of it and it becomes a grind. After my recent trip to Fiji, I flew into Brisbane at 9pm and had to get home, re-pack my bag for my threeweek campaign in Japan and all in a time where I couldn’t even wash my clothes from Fiji as my flight was leaving early the next morning from Gold Coast Airport. I made the flight but things didn’t go as smoothly as I would have wished. The plane taxied out to the runway and then the Captain made an announcement saying that they needed to go back to the terminal so the engineers could check a small problem. Well, two hours later we were informed that the plane wasn’t going anywhere due to a two-inch crack in a window! So after standing in line for an hour, back home I went - I guess this is one of the joys of playing Professional golf! The next day the flight went fine, which was relieving as we were going to arrive on Monday night, only just enough time for our Tuesday practice round at Shishido Hills, which is about 2 hours’ drive up from Tokyo. The event was the Tour Cham [ۜ