Michele plays a key role in growth of Leona. She credited her educational background for her ability to hone into the company. Michele is a graduate from the University of Alabama, majoring in Public Relations and Communications while minoring in Computer Science. Once entering the professional world she felt prepared because she was able to write press releases, knew how to approach the media, and how to discover new ways to reach outlets based on particular audiences. She explained to me all the aspects of PR as it pertains to fashion industry. We even discussed the excitement of live fashion shows. One of biggest fashion events in Nashville takes place every spring, Nashville Fashion Week. Since Leona has been established they have been featured every year. As a PR practitioner live events like these are so important for the company. These events give audiences the chance to expand their knowledge about the designer and get a sneak peak into the upcoming trends. Michele's role during Nashville Fashion Week takes place before the actual event. She is responisble for promoting the event with every press in town and keep them up to date
until the actual date the event takes place. Michele emphasized the importance of being presistent and organized in times of events. She suggested scheduling time for sending out updates to the media and plan out ahead of time and avoid procrastinating. The fashion Industry moves so fast and it is important to keep up and stay proactive. Researching new strategies and techniques for promotion can set you apart from other organizations. Media is always gathering information from different outlets. Michele is in charge of managing many of the Leona's social networks and she is extremely proud of the clothing line's blog. Creating a blog that is fresh and engaging for the reader is essential. Consistency is key for branding because it helps followers stay involved. Michele enjoys creating blogs and promotional flyers and ads because it allows her to incorporate her creative skills to enhance the image and persona of the brand.
Advise from Michelle Leonard about students interested in fashion PR:
"Go into your first job with a passion and take it very seriously. Know your target market, depending on your company and what kind of PR you are working in. You have to know your outreach and become an expert on knowing all about the audience you are trying to reach and work with it."