Testing and
Acceptance Procedures
The Company will make every
good-faith effort to test all
elements of the web site
thoroughly and make all
necessary corrections as a result
of such testing prior to handing
over the deliverables to the
Client. Upon receipt of the web
site, the Client shall either
accept the web site and make the
final payment set forth herein or
provide The Company with
written notice of any corrections
to be made and a suggested date
for completion, which should be
mutually acceptable to both The
Company and the Client.
Electronic Commerce Law
The Client agrees that the Client
is solely responsible for
compliance with federal and/or
state laws regarding any
electronic commerce conducted
through their website and will
hold harmless The Company
and their subcontractors from
any claim, causes of action,
penalty, tax, and/or tariff arising
from the Client’s use of
electronic commerce.
The Company understands that
they will be working with
confidential Client information
and will only release this
information to parties directly
involved in website creation.
Client authorizes designer to
release information to third
parties requiring access for site
creation. This includes, but is
not limited to, website and email
address userids and passwords,
trade information, and banking
information should the Client
request online shopping. Upon
website completion, Client will
change any banking passwords
The Company has had access to.
If Client chooses not to retain A.
D. James Enterprises for
website maintenance, Client
will change ftp, email, and any
other passwords The Company
has had access to. Client will
hold The Company harmless
should breach of security occur.
A. D. James Enterprises will
make reasonable attempts to
protect the integrity of the
Client website. This includes
patching any third party
software, such as Content
Management Systems, used on
the Client’s site. However, as
this software is not created by A.
D. James Enterprises, A. D.
James Enterprises cannot be
held responsible for security
flaws by the software creators.
As no software or server is
100% safe from security breach,
the Client understands that A. D.
James Enterprises cannot be
held accountable for all security
breaches should they occur.
Further, The Company is not
held accountable for patching
any software that has been
installed to the site without The
Company’s knowledge.
The Company will provide
website to the Client and up two
of Client’s designees (herein
referred to as the “points of
contact”). Should any other
employee or member of the
Client’s organization contact A.
D. James Enterprises regarding
the website, A. D. James
Enterprises will contact one or
all of the three designated points
of contact with the issue. Client
shall notify The Company of
Client’s designees in writing,
and shall identify them by name,
email address and phone
number. Any email requesting
changes to the site or
information from the site that is
not from a point of contact email
on file will be referred to a
current point of contact. Points
of contact may be changed at
any time during the hosting of
the site, provided notice is made
to A. D. James Enterprises in
writing from a designated
contact email.
The Client will also provide an
emergency contact and phone
number should there be an
emergency requiring input from
the Client.
Accessibility, Usability,
Cross-Platform Issues
A. D. James Enterprises will do
their best to make sites as
accessible, useable, and crossplatform as possible. Client
understands that some site
features will cause a website to
not meet these standards 100%.
The Client understands that no
website will look and function
identically on all browsers and
operating systems and that any
attempt to do so is futile.
Client will be informed if
features requested by the Client
will negatively impact website