INProfile Issue 3 | Page 4

router table for the craftsman MK2

This Autumn we launch the latest version of the CRT MK2 Craftsman ’ s Router Table .

Following on from the success of the original router table , the new CRT MK2 with many new and improved features built into it , is specifically aimed at helping the woodworker attain a greater degree of accuracy and versatility from his router .

Why a Router Table ?
For many routing operations it is easier , more accurate and safer to use a portable router inverted beneath a rigid machining table . In this way , many of the problems of clamping and holding the workpiece are overcome , the work being supported on the table , leaving both hands free to guide it across the cutter .
Three alternative inserts are supplied as standard to allow the table aperture to be altered to suit the cutter diameter . The plastic inserts are a secure press fit in the aperture recess .
Table Top
An improved cast aluminium , heavily ribbed table top ensures adequate rigidity and stability . It provides a flat , low friction working surface .
Steel extension tables are fitted at both ends to provide extra support when routing long lengths of timber .
The use of a routing table also introduces a wider range of operations . For instance edge planing , rebating and other basic woodworking operations are quicker and easier to set up . Also the possibilities of using much larger diameter cutters , offers endless opportunities for cabinet making , joint making , moulding and profiling . We take a look at some of the improved features and applications of this router table . IP
Plunge Bar
For precise adjustment and ease of operation , it is advisable to fit a fine adjuster or Plunge Bar to the router . While the adjuster is ideal for making fine precision adjustments to the cutting depth , the Plunge Bar , used in conjunction with the routers depth stop , simplifies the vertical adjustment of the router . Trend Plunge Bars can be fitted to both the T5 and T9 routers , but alternative models are also available to suit most popular routers .
The CRT MK2 router table is designed for use with all popular routers . For setting up , the router is bolted to a rigid steel plate which is then bolted to the underside of the table . Four alternative plates to suit specific router makes / models are available and to be specified when ordering the table , thus enabling the corner plate to be supplied to suit your existing or new router . This system allows the router to be quickly removed for hand held operations and avoids the problem of adjusting a surface mounted plate to lie flat and level with the table surface .
Floor Stand
An optional rigid floor stand is now available , designed to support the CRT MK2 table at a convenient and safe working height . The pressed steel stand bolts permanently to the table legs and can be fitted with a front door and side panels ( available separately ) to form a useful storage cabinet .
Autumn 1999