Innovation Magazine Winter 2021 | Page 12


Expansion Anchors KB-TZ2 and KB1
Jobsites are getting more complex and so is anchoring ; contractors know installing anchors correctly the first time helps ensure safety and productivity . As the leader in anchoring technology , Hilti understands the need for high performing mechanical anchors that are easier to install . That ’ s why we developed the new expansion anchors KB-TZ2 and KB1 .
Used to attach fixtures to concrete or masonry base materials , expansion anchors are the most widely used and most versatile mechanical anchors . Whether you ’ re making temporary attachments like formwork , working platforms , or tilt walls , or in need of permanent fastening for structural equipment and related anchoring , Hilti ’ s increased performance of the KB-TZ2 allows the use of an expansion anchor in more applications than ever before .
Click here for the
KB1 anchor portfolio
The Adaptive Torque module helps ensure correct pre-tensioning of the expansion anchor every time .
The first combination drill bit and setting tool that improves productivity — requires less impact on the installer
Ultimate performance for demanding applications
Premium performance for a wide range of applications
We ’ ve expanded our portfolio size with ev cracked concrete , seismic approved expa anchors , and we ’ ve increased standard le options giving you the ability to pick the p size anchor for the job . Hilti has also incre our approvals for embedment depths , pro the best performance in the thinnest of s the KB-TZ2 is the only expansion anchor diamond cored hole approvals .
With new functional coatings and a uniqu design , Hilti has created expansion ancho 20 % greater tension values compared to previous KB-TZ , and the best edge and s in the industry . Offering increased perform an expanded portfolio , and more approva KB-TZ2 and KB1 can be used in more ap and jobsite conditions than any other exp anchor . Start making anchoring easier wi KB-TZ2 and KB1 .
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