Innovation Issue MADE Magazine | Page 67

the conference . Finally , pay attention to who else is following the conference social media . You may find a mutual friend that you can meet up with at the conference and ultimately make the experience more sociable and memorable .
2 . REQUEST ADVANCED ONSITE INFORMAL MEETUPS If you are truly set on leadership , commit to learning from others doing it . It may seem daunting , but you have to seek advice from those who are in positions you aim to be in . Start with one person at the next conference you attend . Pick someone you naturally have a lot in common with and you can see yourself sparking up genuine and lasting conversation with . Then , email that person before the conference ! Think of how busy they will be during the conference ; it ’ s almost rude to ask them to change their plans in real-time just to speak with you . Instead , ask them at least a month in advance if you can treat them to coffee , lunch , happy hour , or dinner during the conference . Be sure to suggest a location at the host hotel or convention center in order to make the outing as seamless and convenient as possible . Even if they decline , you can follow up and request a conference call or future meeting . each of them . Even if you just get to one of those people , at least it will be an intentional and impactful conversation and an opportunity to keep that conversation going after the conference . Power Networking is not about how many people you can meet but how many relationships you can grow .
4 . COMMIT TO PERSONAL MARKETING Do not just follow the marketing of the conference and its key people . Market yourself as an attendee . Post on social media about the sessions you are excited to attend and explain why . Poll your social media followers to see if they are attending . Prepare and practice your elevator pitch so that you are succinct and unique when introducing yourself . And please order or have your company order ample amount of business cards for you to hand out . Business cards are not for you , they are for the person you are giving them to . They make it quick and easy for them to remember you . In the case that you do run out of cards , ask for that person ’ s email address immediately and email them your contact information in real time .
Happy networking !
3 . PLAN TO POWER NETWORK Whether you are attending a small or large conference , understand that everyone is on a mission to learn and network . There will be people and sessions that you simply miss . That is why it is important to identify the people and takeaways that are most important to you in advance . Do not expect to go into a room and “ wing it ” with everyone you come across . It will be evident that you are not genuine or prepared . Instead , make a list of 10 people you want to speak with and 3 questions you want to ask