Innovation in Medical Device - Are You ready for UDI? | Page 3

FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) System Requirements and Expected Timeline In the US, implementation will follow a risk-based approach over several years with the highest risk devices taking effect one year after the final ruling is finalized. Lower risk devices will be distributed over the subsequent years. A compliant UDI program needs to address three areas: Label & Packaging, Direct Marking (DM) and a UDI Database. Label & Packaging • • • • UDI Database Publishing of DI and Publishing of DI and product attributes to FDA product attributes to FDA database via direct portal database via direct portal entry or HL7/SPL standards entry or HL7/SPL standards for bulk uploads. for bulk uploads. Directly marking the DI Directly marking the DI as a permanent marking as a permanent marking on multi-use devices on multi-use devices intended to be reprocessed intended to be reprocessed prior to each use. prior to each use. Inclusion of UDI and Inclusion of UDI and barcode on label barcode on label • • Direct Marking (DM) UDI = Device UDI = Device and Production and Production Identifier (DI) + (PI) Identifier (DI) + (PI) Labels on lowest level Labels on lowest level of packaging of packaging FDA Compliance Timeline 2013 UDI Database Label & Packaging 2014 2015 Class III Class I-II** 2016 2017 Class II 2018 2019 2020 Class I remainder remainder remainder remainder Class III Class II 2013-09-24 Final FDA Rule Direct ** Marking ** Class I * Implantables and Life-sustaining / Life-supporting ** Multi-use devices that are intended to be reprocessed before each use 3