Innovate Issue 5 October 2023 | Page 31

of testimonies for KAN . Therefore , continuing these evaluation measures for all the students , but with a particularly close eye on the 2022 Cohort and those that come after , will be very interesting . When the 2022 Cohort leave we will have many data points to analyse and , after that , trends between different cohorts to compare . I suspect that we might see that the baseline surveys are in some sense anomalous , as their positivity and naivety at the end of Year Nine could skew results , for example . The two main issues with the data is the fact that there are a maximum of thirty students in a Cohort and that we don ’ t have a control group ( for practical and ethical reasons ). Hopefully , these issues can be overcome by the longevity of the programme – that we have data for multiple Cohorts – and by benchmarking to broad national data on participation to Higher Education ( Polar Quintiles , for example ). More importantly , by constantly collecting and reviewing this impact data we can continue to make KAN as meaningful as it can be in real-time for the students experience the programme .
“ KAN allows me to meet so many new and inspiring people year after year . Whether it ’ s mentors , teachers , or cohort members I hadn ’ t met before , this part of KAN continually reminds me why I find it so rewarding to attend these events . This network of people has not only helped me to become a better student , but also a better person .”
( KAN student , July 2023 Survey )