Innovate Issue 5 October 2023 | Page 23


The power and beauty of diversity : Why should and how can schools be diverse ?

Clare Ives , Deputy Head
Diversity in the school setting
In schools which actively promote diversity there is a strong focus on acknowledging cultural differences with the objective of promoting an inclusive culture as opposed to the more traditional focus on assimilating all pupils into the language and culture of the school ’ s national setting . There are three different strands to Diversity . Firstly , it celebrates who we are in terms of ethnicity and nationality , age , disability or neurodiversity , and socio-economic background . A community which welcomes those from all backgrounds reflects society and enhances understanding . Secondly , diversity is the variety of ways in which we identify in terms of faith , gender or sexuality . Schools in which identity is valued are more accepting and open . Lastly , diversity is the difference in how we think , due to our experiences , our socio-economic and educational background , and our cultural references . Schools which seek cognitive diversity in their organisations make better decisions and prepare pupils for a world which requires flexible and creative thinking .
The benefits of a diverse community
Schools which are diverse provide a rich experience for staff , pupils , and parents . They are more inclusive because they value the backgrounds and characteristics of a range of individuals and actively seek to expand understanding through variety . They are also likely to be better led with stronger policies and procedures , because beliefs and practices will have been tested and challenged through a range of lenses . If pupils and staff feel that their identity is reflected in their own work or learning space then it increases a sense of belonging , which in turn leads to a more inclusive and safe community culture . When discussing subject material there is automatically a wider range of knowledge of and responses to an event and that brings rich debate and more nuanced judgements . Pupils will also point to the benefits of a far more accepting , respectful environment when asked about the benefits of a diverse school intake . They cite that not only are other pupils more accepting of different traits , but they are also more responsible ; by which they mean that pupils are more likely to call out others who make a crass or unkind comment .
Diverse schools serve pupils well by preparing them for university and / or the work world . Companies are seeking to recruit candidates who can provide “ more creative approaches to problem-solving by integrating different perspectives and moving beyond linear , conventional thinking ” ( Wells , Fox and Cordova , 2016 ). They are looking for employees of all races , cultures and economic backgrounds who have experience in sharing ideas , experiences , and viewpoints in diverse groups of people . Added to enhanced employability , recent longitudinal studies of diversity in the USA have found that students exposed to diverse setting have greater gains in “ leadership skills , psychological well-being , intellectual engagement , and intercultural effectiveness .”( Mickelson , 2016 ). A diverse community environment also leads to students who are better prepared for citizenship with an approach geared towards democratic participation , civic-mindedness , and community activism .
A diversity toolkit :
Contemporary debate about diversity is mainly articulated in terms of identity . Seen through this lens , the struggle is one of recognition . This calls on educational practitioners to recruit a diverse range of people into the organisation . But this is just the first stage of the process . For there to be real impact for those brought in , we must seek not just recognition but redistribution of both power and resources . Policies and procedures must ensure that we make the most of the diverse community we recruit .