Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 5

our teacher research fellows , Charlotte Hopwood , Jamie Russell , Jon Beale , and Mark Beverley , have undertaken action research projects to evaluate the impact of an intervention they have designed to enhance student flourishing ( developed in response to our initial research findings )*. Whilst other colleagues and students , Paul Thompson , Charley Openshaw , Isla Phillips-Ewen and Jen Thomas have been inspired to understand better how to help students develop meaningfully as happy and healthy people , with a greater awareness of themselves and of others . Our flourishing research has inspired consideration at the most fundamental level of what education is for , and the practical and ideological implications of our aim for a flourishing student community .
A further group of teachers have formed a reading group over the past year , meeting regularly to discuss a key text on teaching and learning . The chosen book this year
was ‘ Make it Stick : The Science of Successful Learning ’ and we were joined for our last session by the authors Peter Brown , Henry Roediger and Mark McDaniel . The authors have also kindly written for this edition of Innovate , sharing their expertise on the strategies shown by cognitive science required to master new knowledge and skills , and excel in learning , which is ultimately ‘ the wellspring of fulfilment . When you ’ re an adept learner you have an advantage in all aspects of a rewarding life ’ ( p . 26 ).
We sincerely thank all our authors for their insightful articles and their commitment to professional reflection , and for helping us understand a little more about what it means for schools to cultivate ‘ a rewarding life ’.
Mark Beverley ( Director ) Helen Hampson ( Research & Development Manager )
Institute of Teaching & Learning
* Find out more about our Flourishing research in our Third Edition of Innovate : https :// www . sevenoaksschool . org / innovate /