Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 10

balance our theoretical input with a discussion among themselves of how they would apply the principles in action .
We also work one-to-one . This is an expensive model for teacher development , but a highly effective one . When we rolled out iPads as a teaching and learning tool for all boys and masters in 2019 , we employed an Academic Technologist – an experienced teacher with tech know-how – to work with masters individually as well as with individual departments to show them how the technology could help them to achieve their specific teaching and learning aims . The scheme was so successful that we have recently created the role of Head of Teaching Practice who will lead a team of department champions to work one-to-one with masters using an instructional coaching model . Such individualised attention obviates the most common complaint about generic CPD : that it is fails to address teachers ’ direct concerns .
We conduct our own small-scale research , overseen by our Head of Research and often conducted with university partners such as Harvard , Oxford and the Jubilee Centre at Birmingham University ( which is itself great CPD for us ). To date these have mainly focused on themes relating to Character Education : Growth Mindset , Happiness , Eton ’ s Values , Community Engagement , Leadership and Resilience .
Increasingly we are working with state schools , creating programmes that they can use , and measuring the impact : a Leadership Institute with the London Academy of Excellence in Newham , for example , and a course in
Academic Resilience with Christ the King : Aquinas Sixth Form College in Brockley . Addressing locally identified needs and helping schools to use research to address their specific challenges shows promise as one way to address the educational attainment gap ( Hoffman and Llie , 2022 ).
A major benefit that a research centre brings is the opportunity to work with educators in other schools . It makes it possible to draw likeminded people together from across the world and create communities of practice beyond the school . We host conferences twice a year and numerous cross-sector events . We belong to a number of active networks , some national such as the Researchers in Schools Forum , and some international such as the International Boys ’ Schools Coalition research network . These conversations can be very rich .
We are now gearing up our research capacity with the appointment of a Head of Research and Impact and designing a model for Independent-State School Partnerships whereby three new free school sixth forms which we are bidding to build in collaboration with Star Academies in Oldham , Dudley and Middlesbrough will each have its own CIRL . The schools will collaborate with Eton and each other through this cross-sector network of research centres for mutual benefit , focusing on curriculum design , content creation and CPD .
We think this model has huge potential . It does not currently exist , and indeed the whole area of schoolbased research centres and their impact on pupil outcomes is under-researched . We intend to play our part in generating new knowledge that others can use .