Innovate Issue 3 November 2021 | Page 5

article suggest how competing demands on a students ’ time , such as academic and sporting commitments , might be monitored to enhance wellbeing and inform pastoral discussions in school . Our final author in this area , Sarah Eversfield , presents the views of eating disorder specialists and calls for consideration of the nature and potential impact of eating disorders in schools .
With consensus that the teaching of metacognitive and self-regulation skills can be of great benefit to not only a student ’ s learning but their personal development 2 , steps to further develop more confident , pro-active and independent learners is the final area in which our contributors have been working . Our Director , Mark Beverley makes suggestions for increasing learning talk , metacognitive awareness , and reflective practice amongst both students and staff . Our article by Elen Harris considers the evidence behind cognitive load theory ( CLT ) and outlines practical applications to prompt persistent change in student knowledge , and the benefits for both new and experienced teachers to learn about CLT . And similarly , James Tate reflects upon the challenge of teaching today ’ s learners about the importance of recalled knowledge , and how technology can be used alongside more traditional methods to reduce the load on working memory . In her article , Fabienne Cheung describes why students find listening hard , presents a range of activities to explicitly teach listening skills , and reflects on the metacognitive benefits of such an approach . And finally , Isla Phillips-Ewen outlines her research into the Harkness Discussion Method , presents an argument for its use in all kinds of classes and outlines some of the practicalities of using and adapting the learning tool to enhance student discussion .
Our authors are thanked and congratulated for the quality of their insightful and thought-provoking projects , and their commitment to professional enquiry and development . We hope you will enjoy finding out more about their work .
Mark Beverley ( Director ) Helen Hampson ( Research & Development Manager )
Institute of Teaching & Learning