Figure 1 : Exemplar completed Sevenoaks class feedback .
Class : 9L Date : 25.02.2020 Topic : China – BRI essay
What went well :
1 . Good utilisation of the article for research purposes to aid in planning your essay .
2 . Good preparation and planning for your essay .
3 . Good knowledge and understanding of both viewpoints demonstrated .
4 . Good use of appropriate terminology ( e . g . string of pearls , debt trap , trade , economic belt , maritime silk road etc .).
5 . Clear evidence ( examples and statistics ) provided . 6 . Good overview of what the BRI is in your intro .
7 . Clear outline of what you will cover and allusion made to the command term in your intro .
8 . Opinion clearly stated in conclusion and question clearly answered .
Even better if : 1 . What the BRI is was clearly outlined in your intro .
2 . You had a better overview of what you will cover in your intro .
3 . Q is a ‘ to what extent ’ one , so you need to clearly state your opinion in the conclusion .
4 . Do not state your opinion in the introduction in a geography essay ! Save this for the conclusion , once you have presented your evidence !
5 . Could you have included evidence ?
6 . Do you have a balanced view of both arguments presented ?
7 . Could you have utilised the research article more ?
Feedforward task :
1 . The WWW and EBI comments above have a number next to them . On your work , if there is a tick next to a number this is a WWW comment . If there is a # next to a number , this refers to an EBI comment . Look at your work and the associated numbers . Interpret what you did / didn ’ t do well . Your grade will be a number in a circle on your work . If you have a * somewhere on your work this is an excellent exemplar aspect / paragraph which I would like you to share with the class .
2 . Annotate the example below in one colour to show what this student did well , and another colour to highlight what could have been done even better . What grade do you think this piece of work achieved ? Remember to look back at your task instructions and marking criteria to help you .
3 . If you had to do this task again , what would you do differently ? How would you organise yourself and structure your time ?