Innovate Issue 2 November 2020 | Page 54

pursuit ’ ( Global Citizenship Foundation , 2020 ) students are encouraged to reflect on all of their actions , rather than reflecting only at the point of engaging in ‘ service ’.
These skills are at the heart of the International Baccalaureate learner profile , and are particularly visable in the notion of students as ‘ thinkers ’ who ‘ use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems ’ ( IBO , 2013 ). In Theory of Knowledge and elsewhere , students are asked to reflect on the process of knowledge creation ; indeed , GCE is best achieved through embedding the process throughout ‘ all areas of school life ’ ( Oxfam , 2015 : 14 ).
Teachers can take a vital role not as instructors but as a ‘ guide ’ – Golding ’ s ‘ Community of Inquiry ’ model encourages teachers to take on the role of a ‘ coinquirer with students ’ where they are also ready to ‘ re-discover and re-construct ’ ideas through scaffolding conversations rather than steering students towards pre-conceived outcomes , thus recognising the plurality of development education objectives and outcomes ( Golding , 2011 : 480 ).
When acting , students can be supported not only to develop ‘ empathy , compassion and respect ’ ( IBO , 2013 ), but explore the root causes of the visible consequences of inequalities . Initiatives that expose students to the opportunity to work alongside community members - in person or online - are more likely to strengthen this GCE skill-set than activities where the human relationship is limited and distant . Crucially , a partnership-based approach will also improve outcomes for communities who become active participants in creating ‘ their world ’ ( Freire , 1970 ) rather than passive recipients of support .
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