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Seligman ( 2011 ) argues that the aim of wealth should not be to blindly produce a higher gross domestic product ( GDP ) but to produce more well-being . General well-being – positive emotion , engagement at work , positive relationships , and a life full of meaning – is now quantifiable and it complements GDP . Seligman concurs with Mrazek that it is key to essentially teach ‘ tools of the mind ’ in order to allow executive function to take over . This involves thinking about how we distract our focus or attention , how we process thoughts via the focus we give them , how we recall , and our ability to adjust plans in light of supplementary information ( Seligman , 2011 ).
For consideration In the next stage of this project , I am keen to :
• Work with a target group of students to research the extent to which they have previously been exposed to mindfulness / anchored attention practice . Work with students through modules and encourage feedback .
• Develop an evidence-based mindfulness education model using best practice from examples in national and international schools and universities .
• Work to develop strategies for improved student access to mindfulness training .
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