InnoHEALTH magazine Volume 4 issue 1 | Page 57

A trip to world’s healthiest and happiest city: Copenhagen for BIO-Europe 2018 By Parthvee Jain O n the windy streets of Copenhagen, children, young adults and older people are all on bikes, with parents and their children on cargo bikes (a quarter of families in Copenhagen own one). It may look as though Copenhageners crave the outdoors, get a kick out of exercise, want to be fit and healthy. It may or may not be the reason. May be, it’s just the easiest way to get anywhere. Admiring all this and more, we at InnovatioCuris, attended the 24th Annual International partnering conference BIO-Europe 2018. BIO-Europe, scheduled for 5th – 7th November 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark, a pre-eminent conference for the life sciences, is Europe's largest partnering conference that serves the global biotechnology industry. It brought together the thought leaders and international decisionmakers from the whole healthcare sector including biotechnology, pharmaceutical, investors and policymakers, offering networking opportunities, workshops & panel discussions, high profile exhibition and B2B meetings. It provided an excellent networking platform for strategic partnerships. IC supported the event as a media sponsor with focus on networking through B2B meetings and exhibition, alongwith the aim of strengthening its ecosystem with innovative partners 58 Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019 in order to bring down the healthcare delivery cost and improve the quality of care. It was an exception experience coupled with reinforcing existing partnerships and scouting new stakeholders / global experts in the healthcare space. We came back home with warm memories and new friends. We look forward to creating an impact together by fostering innovations in the health sector. Parthvee Jain is an engineering graduate with specialization and interests in fields like Biotechnology, Healthcare, Food Processing and Nutraceuticals. Connecting European Healthcare innovation leaders with the Indian healthcare system and pioneers, she heads the market access program and partnerships at InnovatioCuris: impacting organizational performance through expert research, analysis and evaluating market competitive conditions, current and emerging trends, and industry-specific solutions.