InnoHEALTH magazine Volume 4 issue 1 | Page 50

Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019 51 TREATMENT FOR TB Active TB infections are treated with a standard 6-9 months treatment regimen involving four antibiotics: rifampin, isoniazid, ethambutol and pyrazinamide for varying durations. This treatment duration is one of the longest for a bacterial infectious disease, second only to the treatment of leprosy. Side effects like itching, rashes, fever, nausea, diarrhoea and reddish/orange discolouration of body fluids including urine, tears and A third technique, which involves the detection of TB DNA using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and named Xpert MTB/RIF promises results of sample positivity within 2 hours and is currently the gold standard in PCR based TB diagnosis. However, this system suffers from high costs per assay and the requirement for infrastructure and constant electricity, which are not available in many cases. DETECTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF TB One of the main challenges in the fight against TB is the very first step of diagnosis. Millions of TB cases go undetected and unrecorded all over the world due to the shortcomings of technology. Conventional TB diagnosis is performed by sputum smear microscopy, wherein the sputum of the patient is examined under a microscope for TB bacilli. However, this approach is only 36- 43% sensitive which means that many Sputum smear microscopy also suffers from false positives, as some non-TB bacilli may also pick up the TB specific stain. Therefore, a positive sputum smear needs to be confirmed by culturing the bacilli obtained from the sputum in the lab, which can then be tested to confirm TB. Unfortunately, growing patient strains and analysing them requires resources and technical expertise that are not available in most of the high prevalence countries. In addition, growth-based confirmation of TB positivity takes a minimum of 21 days since the growth rate of the bacilli is extremely slow. RISK FACTORS FOR TB Being primarily a respiratory disease, TB is disseminated by airborne infection as the bacteria is exhaled from an infected individual and inhaled by another. This often happens in poorly ventilated and over-crowded settings typically seen in crampedhousing where the disease can spread like wildfire. Indeed, earlier TB was thought to be hereditary as it used to wipe out entire households. Weakening of the body’s immune system due to age, substance abuse, air pollution, diabetes, HIV infection and malnutrition, among others, play a major role in increasing susceptibility to TB. Its spread is seen across the socio-economic strata. As Dr. Zarir Udwadia, one of the world’s leading pulmonologists puts it, “TB does not distinguish between the chauffer driving the Mercedes and the CEO sitting at the back!” cases of TB infection are missed by this method. patient’s stomach. However, the cost of such technology is yet to be estimated and given WHO and Govt. of India goals to reduce the economic burden of TB, cost effective ingestible sensors may remain only a distant possibility. Several technological innovations have facilitated easier and improved patient monitoring, such as 99DOTS which is a low-cost solution for improving patient compliance during TB treatment. Patients using 99DOTS receive medication in specially packaged blister packs. Dispensation of a dose reveals a hidden and unique phone number that the patients can call for free and confirm that the medication has been taken. In this way, remote monitoring of patient compliance has been made possible. Several digital adherence technologies have also been developed as an electronic way to monitor medication and provide reminders. These include digital pill boxes (evriMED, Wisepill etc.) that are given to patients with their medication inside. The digital boxes provide visual cues such as coloured LED lights which turn on and remind the patient of the dose and the medicine that is due. These boxes can also record medication events in real time by logging the opening of the box for each dose, allowing for real time monitoring of patient compliance. Pilot studies are also underway in US for ingestible sensors that are embedded inside each pill, which transmits information that the pill was consumed upon activation inside the Indian TB research has made recent headway in TB diagnosis, with a research group at the All India Institute for Medical Sciences (AIIMS) developing a rapid and portable aptamer (a DNA molecule that can bind to a specific target) based diagnostic test which is capable of detecting TB with a sensitivity of 93% compared to the 22% sensitivity of Xpert MTB/ RIF, the current gold standard. intensify research and innovation in the field of TB treatment, prevention and diagnosis. The Government of India has instituted a similar strategy, the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP). RNTCP involves adopting WHO guidelines of Direct Observation Therapy (DOT) to the Indian scenario and includes direct monitoring and administration of anti-TB drugs to the patient, rapid TB diagnosis and treatment, and increased partnership between public and private healthcare systems. RNTCP’s objective is to eliminate TB by 2025. The plan outlines four directives – Detect, Treat, Prevent and Build and includes system for free and sensitive diagnostic tests for TB, screening of high-risk population, free TB drugs for all patients, implementation of uniform treatment regimen, increased social support and monitoring and treatment of latent TB. Finally, the plan will work towards translation of political commitment to action through strengthening support structures for surveillance, research and innovation.