are many, to monitor heart rates
and training zones, analyzing exact
calorie intake every day to better plan
meals and snacks and tracking sleep.
The aforementioned skin sensors
that analyze biofluids are showing
promising results in assessing stress
levels as well. The ability to conduct
microsurgery is also something
requiring sophisticated hardware
technologies and new imaging tools,
but the outcome of the surgeries is far
more accurate than anything that can
be done by human hand.
We are accepting articles for the upcoming issue of
InnoHEALTH magazine scheduled for March 2019. The theme is
in computers, behavioral sciences,
epidemiology medicine, engineering
and clinical research are necessary
to make advances in the field. Other
than devices, there are also various
applicative cloud based or internet
technologies, which, and genome
focused R&D, as well as alternate
medical consultation making the
benefits clear to the entire healthcare
industry. Digital healthcare facilities
can allow growth of specialized
There is a plethora of interesting
technological advancements that have
been made in modern day medicine
which can intrigue even the most
skeptical person. As a by-product of
these advances, point of care devices
have been created for patients.
Wearable skin sensors to analyze
the electrolytes and biofluids that
detect diabetes and cystic fibrosis,
biosensors for diabetic patients which
show their blood sugar straight onto
their smartphone screen, relieving
them of the pain of having to
prick their fingers, conductive
gels and patches which look like
fashion accessories but are actually
sophisticated technology, are just a
few devices which have been created
as advances, have been made to
facilitate ease of healthcare. Mechano-
acoustic skin sensors are being
applied to quantitatively measure the
rehabilitation in patients recovering
from stroke. Pacemakers were always
important in cardiology, but their
digitalization and remote monitoring
has led them to last longer and
respond more acutely to the patient’s
needs. There are also implants that
can electrically stimulate cardiac or
brain tissues to treat conditions like
irregular heartbeat, motor disorders
and cognitive impairments. The
advantages for wearable devices
the Occams razor fallacy when
diagnosing a patient, which says that
if a patient has certain symptoms,
the simplest condition fulfilling the
symptoms must be the explanation.
This has led to many misdiagnoses but
with the help of effective and accurate
digital analysis of the patient, the
diagnosis can be done accurately.
As improvements have been made
in the field of diagnostic technology,
these misdiagnoses have reduced by a
large number, which clearly highlights
the benefit of a system which can
seamlessly integrate previous patient
records with current monitored
symptoms to assist the doctors in
accurately analyzing and diagnosing
a condition making it precise and
personalized to improve therapy and
also and patient adherence.
February 01, 2019
Email your article(s) to [email protected]
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For any queries, reach out to us at (+91) 120-427-4630
Volume 4 | Issue 1 | January-March 2019
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