INMR Volume 21 - Number 2 (Issue 100) | Page 24

What ’ s Ahead in the Next 100 Issues ?

The cover page of Issue 1 of INMR ( opposite ) featured our first editorial , WINNING YOUR TRUST , devoted to explaining why this new bi-monthly publication was being launched . In the editorial , I tried to make a convincing argument that the high voltage components business – in particular insulators , bushings and surge arresters – would benefit from having its own dedicated journal .
This was no easy task since at the time I was an industry outsider with few contacts and no track record in the field . Also , not many understood the vision behind such a new publication . Even those that did doubted that there would be sufficient material to last beyond the first year .
Looking back , it doesn ’ t seem possible that 100 issues have already come and gone . Still , now I have to turn my thoughts to what INMR will be like over its next 100 issues .
All the feedback we ’ ve received over the years is that our articles are easy and enjoyable to read with lots of practical information and packed with photos that make the reader feel like they are right there , where the story is taking place .
In fact , that ’ s what I feel makes INMR unique in this particular business . We are among the only publications in the electrical power sector where qualified journalists go out into the field to interview the people and companies involved to get the whole story . That process also allows us to take lots photos of exactly what we are talking about and share these with readers . The two-part article on South Africa ’ s Eskom that appears in this issue is a wonderful example of how this works in practice .
At the same time , INMR is the only technical journal in this industry that also takes readers directly into the factories of suppliers of high voltage equipment across the globe – a privilege we have earned through the years by honest and objective reporting .
So , if I consider what lies ahead , the answer seems simple : we ’ ll try to remain faithful to this unique formula of reporting that has helped make us successful . And we ’ ll also never stop working hard to keep the interest , trust and loyalty of you , our readers .
Marvin L . Zimmerman mzimmerman @ inmr . com

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