iNMag DEC - JAN 2015 | Page 4

iNMag / DEC-JAN, 2015 4

Do you have talent?

Are you interested in a paid position?

We need doctors, lawyers, preachers, and teachers…jk!

But we do need reliable, dedicated journalists, writers, editors, videographers and photographers to become a part of the iNmag team.

We need you to be innovative, independent, spunky; always on the cutting edge of everything REAL.

You must possess a mean poker face because this job is one that comes with much hoorah!

Do you enjoy getting to know people and the world around you and telling people how you REALLY feel?

Submit your resume to [email protected] with the subject line to read "Journalist Sample for iNMag" and include your profile screename and a sample of your work. Subsequently, you can also submit "Videographer and/or Photographer Sample for iNMag" as well.

Can’t wait to get your news out there!

Rather just share your story with no strings attached?

Click this thing>>>