Becky misses out on paying her credit card bills promptly, which leads to a huge interest pile up. It is a fact that credit card interest is charged on a monthly basis or as Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Missing deadlines of card payment not only increases the amount of interest but also involves a late fee. Believe in saving money every month You never know when savings can come to your rescue. Savings help in providing financial security especially during times of emergency. If only Becky had savings, she would have tackled her financial crisis in a much better way. Avoid having multiple credit cards Having multiple credit cards is like inviting 20 people for lunch when there is space for just 5! Multiple cards clutter your finances and create confusion with respect to timely payment of bills. Half way through the novel, Becky is seen hiding from multiple debt collection agencies for the very same reason. To avoid mismanagement of personal finances, always stick to a single credit card.
Just like in the movies, Becky undergoes a sudden transformation, clears all her debts by auctioning her wardrobe, meets the guy of her dreams and finally gets her life back on track. Reading this book hasn’t changed my life in the typical filmi style (not that I’m complaining!), but it sure did help me gain simple yet valuable money management insights.
M. Aditya Kiran SIBM, Bangalore UNSTOPPABLE
A successful team requires 100% commitment and contribution from all its team members. This helps build positive synergy amongst the members which is one of the most important factors of success. In the movie, this kind of a positive synergy was clearly visible among Will & Frank. Even Connie joined them and helped them with all the required information. Also, a clear negative synergy was observable amongst Dewey & Gilleece, a trait that can be dangerous for teams/organizations. Hence, it is important for organizations to identify and encourage positive synergies. “Always supplement the primary driving force with as many incremental forces, in as many dire ?[??\????X?H????HH??[x?'H?Z^?[?
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