Rohit Kshirsagar WE School (Welingkar), Mumbai
world’s first solar bike, Sunita Chandok, started handicraft associations for blind girls in Manipur, churning around 20,000 crafted materials a month and Karan Raghav, a primary school dropout, went on to build online community marriage portal in Bijapur. Then there is a Dalit entrepreneur, Sunil Kamat, who build on to his father’s scrap business in Chandrapur, making it one of the biggest suppliers of components to auto majors across the country. It may be outrageous to expect Bhatias, Murthys or Ambanis emerge out of them. However, their zeal, commitment and dedication to their businesses and communities, is no trivial. These young-preneurs are not chanting and implementing social responsibilities, they are living it, when corporate India harping about its inclusion and implementation (or rather lack of it) as law. Although policy paralysis still hounds our country’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, the youth are defying all odds, albeit scarce resources to keep the innovation baton lit, at the same time, covering up various governance inadequacies. When Shanti Modak, a small time road cleaner in Taloda, a village in Maharashtra, took the pledge to utilise solid waste and create community composts, she faced stiff resistance from local panchayats & also from her own community. Now, she leads & employs the same people who ridiculed her. Therein lies a huge lesson for the government and communities alike. These are the birds that need to be nurtured, if India needs to go anywhere near of its ambition of creating 20mn jobs by 2025 (to sustain its growth). These are the pillars to be strengthened, if India needs to increase its manufacturing base in GDP to 25%. These are the minds that need to cultivated and enlightened if country needs to improve its abysmal rating in HDI. And these are the sparks that need to be ignited, if India needs to lighten up its more than 3 lac villages. These budding flowers need a conducive environment to exhibit their intellectual ability and operational skills. These goliaths have the pluck to take on their western counterparts in \?\???Z[[??]?[?[??[?]^?[??[??\?Z[?[???X??\??[[?\??\?\?^H??[XZ?H[X?][?\?[?X[??X[\?[?X?Y]?X?H?X[]H[??Y?H\?YY?H[?H?^H]??[??H\??]?\??Y??Y??K?[??Y\??[??Z[?\???&]]?H??[XZ[?]HY??Z\?\??\??Y[[?[????\?Z\??\?[?\??\?[??[?\??[??\?Z\???H?]\?\??]?]??[][?]H??[]H[?[??[[?[???\?X]X?X?K?????Y\??[??H??YX\???YX]H???H[?\?[????X?[\??H?H?\?[?????[?T?[??[?Y?]]?K]H??Y??[?Y???\?[??X??]H?[?X[?\??]\?[?\??\??N??[\?\?[??X????H[\?[?\????H?X?[?\??X?H??\?K[]\?X?H[?X??H??[?Y8?'?[??]H[\??'K??\???\?Y[\X[?Y?X?\?[????\[?K?X?[????Y?]\?HY?[??\?[?Y?[?Y?\??X?[?[??[?]?X?H?\??\??\?[?Z\?[?\?[?X?[]H??[?[H[?\??x?&\?[??]XX?H[?\??H[X[???^K?[??]H\?H\???\??X??]????H[?[\?\?\??[?
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