iNM October, 2011 | Page 20

The act of starting something for the first time, introducing something new is termed innovation and a productive insight is known as discovery. We seem to forget that innovation doesn’t come from equations or new kinds of chemicals; it comes from a human place. Innovation in the sciences is always linked in some way, either directly or indirectly, to human experience or to satisfy human need. Science has given us more than anything else; it is one of the best gifts to mankind. It doesn’t matter if one is religious or not, but science has given immensely to each and every one on the planet. The survival of entrepreneurs is highly dependent on innovation (and science) and an entrepreneur is defined as “one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods”. Entrepreneurs create jobs for people. If materialistic streak of men results in great scientific innovations and creates entrepreneurs then how can we say that being materialistic is bad for mankind? Communication is, “a connection allowing access between persons or places”. We all understand the need of communication and the significant role it has in our lives. One of the most defining moments in the history of communication is the discovery of telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. The discovery of telephone led to the satisfaction of people’s materialistic need to get connected quickly. Now is the era of internet which has redefined communication yet again. With all its good and not so good effects should we stay away from internet, because at some level or other it encourages materialism in us? The answer is NO. poor little child from a slum who does not know how to read and write, comes across an old glossy magazine depicting high city lifestyle. Those glossy magazine pages containing pictures of beautiful houses makes him want to build and stay in one of those houses when he grows up. And he realizes that to achieve this dream he needs to study. From then onwards he works hard with a resolve to educate himself, crossing every roadblock and manages to become an architect. This can be the story of many of us out there; this is the beautiful story of life. And should we not feel glad that a materialistic streak in that little boy, to live a better life made him a successful man. Do you think you can respect this selfmade man? For me personally, the answer is yes. As stated by Rabindranath Tagore, it is the attitude towards life that can go wrong. A man can be materialistic but it is more so his attitude towards life and society that makes the difference. He can be extremely materialistic and can still be very valuable to the society, compared with a man who has a very little materialism but his contribution toward society and mankind is zero and does not have the ability or desire to add value to his life. The word ‘materialism’, has a negative connotation attached to it, which I feel is not correct because materialism should exist in our society. It is a person’s individual attitude and nature which decides whether materialism is used in a correct way or not. So, do you think the existence of materialism is uncalled for? Though this helps in achieving our dreams and leads society to modernization and improvement? For me the answer is no, but it depends upon people to decide whether materialism has reached its limit where it should be stopped or if our attitude and thinking towards life and society has to be improved. Let’s just say, the degree of materialism is what matters… I-TRIBUTE “....But the really great person will keep on going and find the key, underlying principle of the problem, and come up with a beautiful elegant solution th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