iNM January, 2013 | Page 26

General Management IEntrepreneurship lessons from Harishchandrachi Factory Lesson # 4 – Gaining Investor Confidence through Demonstration of Your Ability While you may be passionate and confident about your dream venture, investors will look at your venture with skepticism. Is he actually capable of doing this? Is it even possible to do this? Are some questions that will be thriving in their minds? As Dadasaheb says in the movie – “Chamtkaara Shivay Namaskar Nahin” (if you do not perform (demonstrate) miracles no one will salute you). To gain confidence of investors and friends he produces a short film that shows the growth of a bean seed to a plant. Seeing that Dadasaheb in fact had the capability to make a motion film, he managed to win the support of his friends and investors were ready to give him money to make the film. So while you may have a mountainous project in mind, it is important you at least develop a mole hill first to show that you actually have the capability to build a mountain. Lesson # 5 – Be Ready To Get Your Hands Dirty Midway through the shooting when the camera stops working, Dadasaheb says to his friend – it’s time to open up the instruction manual. As entrepreneurs, it is extremely important to get your hands dirty, learn things the hard way and make things work. You will not have enough money in the startup phase to get specialist help, so be ready to learn, be ready to fail and be ready to get your hands dirty. Lesson # 6 – Success follows many ways and best way to guide success is right decision As struggle goes on he manages resources very well to get optimum output. On first day they were able to sell only 57 tickets of movie. Therefore he demonstrate great marketing strategies using print media such as newspaper ads etc also by giving free sari on lucky ticket he adopt great marketing strategies. After he got a huge success and he got an opportunity to play his movie in London. He got great appreciation over there. He got an offer to make movie in London. Why he reject this offer? Because he has a point, Phalke said “I should have make movies in India otherwise films won’t be established as an industry in India”. By above sentence we can say that he has a great knowledge of future market potential and vision about Indian cinema. Every manager has to look beyond the time and space, they has to think fast and ahead of others to perform greatly and effectively. They should have sufficient knowledge of things they are working on. Therefore success comes along with great combination of efficient recipes. iNM - Magazine Vol. 4 23