iNM January, 2013 | Page 10

Finance Also money can not satisfy all needs of people. According to Maslow's theory, the classic psychology theory about motivation, there are 5 levels of needs: physical, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization. This theory states that people would try to satisfy the needs at the lower level and move up to the higher level when the needs at the lower level are satisfied. If one has no money, or insufficient for basic needs, then one will do almost anything to get some. Money is a motivator at this basic level. However, as one begins to have enough to satisfy basic needs, it has less and less effect. People will generally choose to do things they like, prefer or which meets their values and aspirations, rather than seek money for its own sake. As you can see, money can satisfy only the needs at the lower level. For social needs, there are many strategies to cope with such as letting the new employee join in recreational activities of the firm or arranging a party with subordinates. As you can see, in these levels of needs, money can be best used only at the lowest level. For example, money cannot buy the sense of belonging in the society, social need. There are many people who are very rich but cannot get along with people in the organization well and have ?]Z]Z\??????YH[?H????[?[?H[?^H\?^H\?H?]\?YY?]Z\??\??[??]\??^H\?H[?H???\??Y?]?\?[???[?K???^[\K??YH?X?[??X??\??[?S?????H?YY?\?H[?H?]?[?Z?H?[?Y\?Y[H??[?XX?X[^?][??[????H[?]?]Y?H[?^K??[?]?]H\?H[?KH??\[?HZY??H?XZ?H[H?Y[]H??\??[[??[???XZ?H[H?X[^?H]\?\?[??\???[?Z\?]?\?H??\[?HZY???YH[?H??[?]Y\?[??\??Y[??H??[??[?[H???YH?Z[?[????\??H?XZ?HH??[?H?[[??[???[??[??H??\?[??\??^H?[?]?]H?????\?\?]?[XZ?H[H?Y[]]\?[?H?[[??[??[?Z\???][?H?????[?^H?[?X?\?H[?]?]??[?H[???YH?]X][??????YH\\??[?H[?[?]?][????]?\?\X?[H?[Y]?[??][?^H\?HXZ[?[?]?]?\?Z?H?[Y]?[??]?\??Y\??\?H?H[?\?\?Y[??X?K?[?H[??[?\?[\?H??[?]?]Y?H[?^H??\???\??]^H\?HZY\??X??]?Y????\\?Y?]HY???^H]?H?][??]Z\??Y?\?[??H??\\?ZY[?H???]?\?[H?]\?X?[?[?]?[?[???[Y[? ??\?K]?\?[?H??[Z?HH]H[?H?]Z?[??H]H[?H\???H?[YH\??[??[?][???S?H HXY?^?[?H?? ? ????